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Agilent 4294a Precision Impedance Analyzer 40hz-110mhz
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Used, Quantity 1 Power Cable Not Included. 1018-170-0282
About This Item
Product Overview:
The 4294A precision impedance analyzer is an integrated solution for efficient impedance measurement and analysis of components and circuits. The 4294A covers a broader test-frequency range (40 Hz to 110 MHz) with Basic impedance accuracy: +/-0.08 %. Excellent High Q/Low D accuracy enables analysis of low-loss components. The wide signal-level ranges enable device evaluation under actual operating conditions. The test signal level range is 5m V to 1 Vrms or 200 uA to 20m Arms, and the DC bias range is 0 V to +/-40 V or 0m A to +/-100m A. Advanced calibration and error compensation functions eliminate measurement error factors when performing measurements on in-fixture devices. The 4294A is a powerful tool for design, qualification and quality control, and production testing of electronic components. Circuit designers and developers can also benefit from the performance/functionality offered.
Product Features:
β’ Accurate measurement over wide impedance range and wide frequency range
β’ Powerful impedance analysis function
β’ 40 Hz to 110 MHz, 3 m ohm 500M ohm
β’ Ease of use and versatile PC connectivity
β’ 90 to 132 Vac or 198 to 264 Vac; 47-63 Hz operation
Manufacturer: Agilent
Model Name: Precision Impedance Analyzer
Model Number: 4294A
Inventory Number: 1018-170-0282
Series: F04-02-10-08156
Condition: Used
Impedance Parameters: |Z|-β
, R-X, Ls-Rs, Ls-Q, Cs-Rs, Cs-Q, Cs-D, |Y|-β
, G-B, Lp-G, Lp-Q, Cp-G, Cp-Q, Cp-D, Complex Z-Y, |Z|-Ls, |Z|-Cs, |Z|-Lp, |Z|-Cp, |Z|-Rs, |Z|-Q, |Z|-D, Lp-Rp, Cp-Rp
Frequency Resolution: 1 mHz
Sweep Parameters: Frequency, Signal Voltage, Signal Current, DC Bias Voltage, DC Bias Current
Sweep Types: Linear, Log, List, Zero Span, Manual, Up/Down
Option 1D5 Adds: High Stability Frequency Reference
Weight (lb): 61 lbs.
Bay: C005
Aisle: EBA