You may have noticed some changes around HGR lately. We have been closely watching the global outbreak of COVID-19 and we are very serious about helping to stop this pandemic. Our highest priority is to ensure the health and safety of our customers, staff and families.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended a variety of steps that we are implementing to help reduce the potential for the virus, protect ourselves and help prevent the spread throughout the community. To that end, and following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, we are implementing a number of actions intended to slow the spread of the virus.
One of our actions, unfortunately, is temporarily suspending Free Lunch Wednesday. We will definitely let you know when we’re back on for lunch! We will have to suspend our coffee and pastry offerings for the time being. We are also asking to avoid shaking hands between customers and employees at this time. HGR is encouraging you to wash your hands when you arrive and when you leave – we are providing hand sanitizer for your convenience. HGR’s common areas are routinely cleaned.
Customers who have traveled on a Cruise Ship, UK and Ireland, Europe, China, Iran and South Korea within the last 21 days will not be permitted in the building at this time. For our customers shopping we recommend shopping online as an alternative, specifically when you are ill and whenever else it is feasible. When you visit please utilize our hand sanitizing stations. For those customers our Buyers will be visiting, please note that our Buy Team is also following the above protocols, and are open to working with you in any way possible. This includes the use of technology in replacement of a personal visit if necessary.
Visit HGR’s site for updates on our response to COVID-19