Do you have any machinery that is no longer useful or needed? Chances are you will be able to sell it for scrap metal – and only get scraps in return. HGR has a much better plan for you to help recoup costs and clear up floor space: sell your surplus machinery to us! HGR buys over 4,000 truckloads of surplus a year from companies like yours. Whether you are trying to sell one item or an entire warehouse of items, HGR is eager to work with you. Watch this video for more details. If you need to reach one of our buyers to sell your surplus, please fill out the form on our website here, and we will get back to you a fast as possible.
The buying process at HGR is simple, quick and efficient. It takes about 30 seconds to fill out the inquiry form and get in touch with one of our regional buyers across the country. Within our serviced regions, we can have a buyer at your door for items both large and small. Once we are connected, we will plan an inspection date to view your surplus inventory and construct a bid offer. After you accept our bid offer, a check will be cut and sent overnight to your preferred address. It does not matter if you need your surplus moved immediately or shipped at a later date – HGR can help accommodate your needs. We have over 20 years of experience buying thousands upon thousands of surplus items from companies each year.
So before you think about paying to have any old units disposed of, invest a little time into researching the value of letting HGR purchase your surplus. When you sell your old equipment, the money you receive will boost your bottom line or help pay for an upgrade. Furthermore, we help give big machines and equipment a second lease on life to help other companies thrive as well. The net benefits are great for saving money and creating a better environment, literally and figuratively, for our planet. Head over to HGR’s website and see how easy the process of selling your surplus really is.