(Courtesy of Guest Blogger Paula Maggio, PR specialist with HGR Industrial Surplus)
The goal of Mayor Kirsten Holzheimer Gail is to make Euclid a first-choice suburban location, a goal that she shared at Tizzano’s Party Center on Feb. 22 during the State of the City Address hosted by the Euclid Chamber of Commerce.

Key items required to turn that goal into a reality include: growing the business base by building strong relationships with the business community and continuing city-business partnerships, making safety a priority, and improving services to residents — all things that are in progress now, according to the mayor.
Planning with public input
To this end, Mayor Holzheimer Gail said the city began updating its community master plan last year and is creating a steering committee that will include public input. The city will complete the planning process in 2017 by outlining goals and objectives and identifying the resources needed to realize them.
The next meeting regarding the process is April 4 at 6:30 p.m. at Central Middle School, and the public is invited.
Improving housing
“The City of Euclid is committed to improving its existing housing stock,” she said. A housing operations plan has been developed to strengthen rental compliance. In addition, the city is conducting a housing inventory.
Potential home buyers are receiving help, too. Down payment assistance is available to eligible homeowners, as well as a Heritage Home Loan Program.
All of this helped median single family home prices increase by 20 percent in 2016, the fifth year in a row they have increased, according to the mayor.
Full house
Tizzano’s was full for the mayor’s address, with guests meeting, mingling, and networking before and after her speech.