Euclid Chamber of Commerce Coffee Connections: Councilperson Brian Moore’s office

Euclid Chamber of Commerce logo


SAVE THE DATE! Join the Euclid Chamber of Commerce at the office of Euclid City Councilperson Brian Moore., 22657 Euclid Ave., Euclid, Ohio, on Oct. 9 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. EST for a for coffee and a chat.

There is no cost to attend.  Membership is not required.

Please register here.

Retired Cleveland Institute of Art industrial design instructor finds inspiration at Euclid City Council meetings

Richard Fiorelli Cleveland Institute of Art

(Courtesy of Guest Blogger Richard Fiorelli, artist and retired instructor)

How did you first become involved with Cleveland Institute of Art?

When I was in fourth grade, I received a scholarship from Euclid’s Upson Elementary School to attend Saturday children’s art classes at Cleveland Institute of Art.

What is your best memory of CIA?

In fourth grade I discovered that the art school had a candy machine and a 10:30 a.m. morning break from the strenuous task of creating children’s art. I was pretty much hooked from that moment on. Continue reading Retired Cleveland Institute of Art industrial design instructor finds inspiration at Euclid City Council meetings